Reveni API uses Bearer Token Authorization. Authentication is achieved by setting theย Authorizationย header with the API key that will find in your Reveni dashboard. Please note the API key must not be shared or exposed to any third-party, except for an integration partner authorized by Reveni.

Authorization Header

Authorization: Bearer <REVENI_API_KEY>


Notice for third-party, authorized integration partners

Please note the API key and other credentials required to operate with the API (Store ID) are relative to the merchant scope.

During the integration phase, you will receive a sandbox access that allows you to operate as a merchant.

However in the production environment, your integration will require the API credentials for each merchant to communicate with our API, since you will not receive any specific credentials as an integration partner itself.

We recommend to enable a configuration page within your system for merchants to input the API key and Store ID credentials, that your system will then use to communicate with our API on behalf of the merchant.